My Etsy Fun

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I am sooooo up on Ravelry!

If you are up too, drop me a line. I am TheCraftyWoman - naturally.

Which brings me to my next point of interest. I have started a lace knit-along on Ravelry - it is called Laceapalooza. If you are on, go check it out! If you aren't on yet, looke me up when you get up and running. I got my invitation this morning, and could barely tear myself away from my computer this morning to go to work. And I found myself logging in 3 times from work. This is so not good. I am sure it will be blocked soon enough, but I am totally going to get fired if I keep this up! The treasury just released new regulations for 403(b) plans (which is like a 401k but non profits and govt agencies set them up for their employees just like regular corps set up 401k's)
So its back to reading those and not my ravelry pages.
I think I will totally have to take a ravelry day off from work... That's not normal is it?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

congratulations on your admission to the club!

alas i am still waiting patiently. when did you put yourself on the list? maybe that will give me some indication of when i too will be able to partake!

i have been enjoying listening to your podcasts.
